10 / May / 2024 17:14

Iran’s Annual Mineral Exports Hit $13 Billion

Iran’s Annual Mineral Exports Hit $13 Billion

The value of Iran’s export of minerals in the previous Persian calendar year (ended on March 19) stood at $13.7 billion, the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) announced.

News ID: 841657

EghtesadOnline: According to IMIDRO, the value of Iran’s export of minerals and mineral industries in the last year registered a nine percent increase compared to a year earlier.

The report added that $7.3 billion worth of the mining and mineral products were imported into Iran from March 2023 to March 2024, showing a 35% rise compared to a year earlier, IRNA reported.

Iran is one of the top 10 mineral-rich countries in the world. Having 15,000 mining areas, Iran has the sixth largest zinc, seventh largest copper, ninth largest iron ore reserves, and fifth largest gypsum and barite reserves globally. It also has 3% of the world’s total lead and zinc reserves, and huge coal reserves. Other mineral products such as chromate, and manganese are also found in different regions of Iran. / Tasnim

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